Today I was playing around with Twitter, looking for some people to follow. I went to vayerman's Twitter page, and somehow I clicked on's blog. I was curious, so I looked around on it. I saw some pictures near the middle of the blog on the sidebar, and I saw part of a chobots comic. I immediately clicked on the pics, and I saw all of the pages of the comic. I was so flabbergasted that I wanted to post it on here as quick as I could. they are:

This is the front/back cover ↑ ↑ ↑

These are the first and 2nd to the last pages. ↑ ↑

↑ This is the big last page which is also the ending. ↑
Neat, neat stuff.
If you want to make the comic book, click on all of the images to enlarge them to their normal size then print each picture. And make sure you have plenty of ink in your printer ;-) Next, once they are printed, get each one and fold it in half so it looks like a hamburger, not a hot-dog. Then put them in this order: The picture with the word "Chobots" on the outside, then the picture that says "Cow Mission", then the one that says "We did it!" and stuff.
↓ Incase you're confused, here's a picture to help you out. ↓

Now you have (maybe) the first Chobots comic EVER!
(this may have came out ages ago and if it did, I'm probably really dumb)