Friday, May 29, 2009

15 days later...

Hello people. Sorry I've been gone on chobots and not posting in so long. My computer had like 5 viruses and my dad tried fixing it but that made it worse (but got rid of most of them). We had to get it repaired and now its all old-fashioned, but at least its working. ☺

So...I don't know if I missed any updates or things (I know I missed parties). So could you guys inform me on the latest happenings and possible uupdates? If nothing happened, then just make up something wild. lol. not really ;)


  1. um..i don't think there was anythin special...primary games was playing chobots and she added me XD
    some friends too
    um..idk if anything else
    oh eah
    there is a v flag prize on chobots blog


  2. to get the v-flag,you must post something in the forum

    i hope this helps!!!


  3. Yep Somethink Really Big Happend,
    An Elephant Invaded Chobots,and squished us soo we were soo small for about 5 days then a lion came and kinda like streched us out ,trying to eat us,But then the EVIL NICHOS scared them away,and said if anyone is gonna eat the chobots it will be the evil nichos .. Then we all chanted GO AWAY NICHOS for hours then he gone and we were ok :))

    Onlyy jokinnggg :P
    _ Juicyqueen_
