Tuesday, May 12, 2009

{ghost}, cool art, and suprise mimo party! (at least it was a suprise for me)

First of all, there's a new agent out there that is mysterious (like chlos). Of course he ain't 0 now, because I took this pic a few days ago and forgot about it ;-)

Next, help drew a very awesome "doodle" (looks more like pure anime to me) of Cloud from Final Fantasy. It looks almost like him, except Cloud has blond hair.

Lastly, I got on the Cho today and noticed most of my friends that were online were on Mimo City. And sure enough, Mimo was at the park! ☺

Unfortunately, mimo isn't my friend. But ufride is. ☺


  1. Lol it was a surprise for me too. One of my friends invited me and I thought that a majority of my friends were there so I should go and there he is. You can see my behind the lion guy in the pirate suit and purple drum. I stayed away from the crowed and made fun of how they followed his every move. And sure enough a few people followed me to annoy me Lolz
